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Do you have a PLANTAR WART?  Your help is needed!

We are looking for people with a plantar wart to take part in a 2 to 3-week study on natural home remedies.

Qualifying participants will be invited to test a natural ingredients remedy at home for 2 – 3 weeks and will need to complete a short ‘before’ and ‘after’ online survey. Participants who complete the study will also be offered a $100 e-giftcard voucher.

To qualify for this study, you must meet all the criteria below:

✅  Have a plantar wart (only one wart on one foot currently)

✅  Do not currently have cluster or mosaic warts (a group of warts clustered together)

✅  Not planning to have the wart treated or removed by a HCP in next month

✅  Have not yet used any specific treatment for the wart and not planning to use any in the next month except as part of the home remedies study

✅  Have no known allergies / intolerances to: latex, cow’s milk, figs, fig leaves, fig leaf sap

If you would like to take part, please register and you’ll be sent a link to a 5 minute online survey to double check you qualify (this will have more information about the study). If you qualify:

1.       You’ll be sent a separate 10 minute ‘pre’ survey to ask about your current symptoms.

2.       You’ll be sent an Information Pack with instructions on how to use your natural home remedy (you will either have the remedy kit sent to your home or you will have to source it yourself, depending on the study).

3.       At the end of the testing period, you’ll be sent a final 10 minute ‘post’ survey to ask about the effects the remedy had, and your views on natural home remedies.



Please note that this study is run by IQVIA Australia Pty Ltd and Pureprofile Australia Pty Ltd, who are both bound by the Australian Privacy Principles and AMSRS Code of Conduct. Once you enter your details below, you will be sent an email (please check your inbox) with a link to the first 5-minute online survey to check you qualify. If you qualify, your details will go directly to IQVIA Australia Pty Ltd and Pureprofile Australia Pty Ltd who will be in touch with you.

Thank you for your participation, we hope you enjoy the study!
